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California to answer fees plea

The state of California has gained some added time to answer the request that it be required to reimburse the video game industry for more than $1.1 million for legal fees and expenses after the state lost its appeal to the Supreme Court n Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Associaton (08-1448).  The response, initially due on August 2, is now due by August 15, under a Court order.

The Court is treating the fee request as it would a normal motion under Rule 21, rather than under any rule that deals with fees or costs for matters the Court has considered.  Under Rule 21, a response is ordinarily due ten days after a motion has been filed, but this can be extended at the other side’s request.  California obtained such an extension late last month.

A post discussing the fees request can be read here.

Recommended Citation: Lyle Denniston, California to answer fees plea, SCOTUSblog (Aug. 4, 2011, 4:41 PM),