Liberal panel on health care

on May 10, 2011 at 9:32 am
The Obama Administration appeared to have gained some advantage in its defense of the new health care reform law, as a computer at the Fourth Circuit Court randomly selected three of the more liberal judges to hear two cases Tuesday.  For arguments which began at 9:30 a.m., the Circuit Court issued this announcement earlier in the day:
“Panel: ‘[A] computer program designed to achieve total random selection’ is used to generate three-judge panels and to assign cases to those panels. See I.O.P.
34.1. The panel generated and assigned for these cases is:
Honorable Diana Gribbon Motz – seated in the middle and presiding at argument
Honorable Andre M. Davis – seated to the left as viewed from the audience
Honorable James A. Wynn, Jr. – seated to the right as viewed from the audience.”
An audio link to the two arguments, lasting together 80 minutes or more, will be available at this site at 2 p.m. Tuesday.