The week ahead

on Aug 2, 2010 at 9:40 am
The Court is in recess for the summer, and is expected to return on October 4 for the first oral argument of October Term 2010.
A floor vote on Elena Kagan’s confirmation is expected this week, and we will keep you updated as we learn more.
The schedule of merits briefs due this week follows the jump.
Monday, August 2:
•    Petitioner’s brief in AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion (09-893)
•    Respondents’ brief in NASA v. Nelson (09-530)
Tuesday, August 3:
•    Petitioner’s brief in Sossamon v. Texas (08-1438)
Friday, August 6:
•    Petitioners’ brief in Mayo Foundation v. United States (09-837)
•    Respondent’s brief in Connick v. Thompson (09-571)
•    Respondent’s brief in Ransom v. MBNA (09-907)