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New podcasts on argument days

We’re pleased to bring you another new feature on the blog: oral presentations of the principal arguments in merits cases.  Beginning with select cases, we’re inviting parties (and, if a party is unavailable, one of its amici) to do a podcast on their argument.  The feature is intended to address the fact that the tapes of oral arguments are only rarely available before the end of the Term.  We’ll post the podcasts on the day of argument, after it commences.

The first podcast comes in today’s Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board:

For the petitioners, one of their counsel:

PodcastChristian Vergonis, Jones Day LLP

For the respondents, one of their amici:

PodcastProfessor Richard Pildes, New York University Law School (counsel for the amicus Former Chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission)

Please give us your feedback about the new feature by emailing

We’re pleased to bring you another new feature on the blog — oral presentations of the principal arguments in merits cases. Beginning with select cases, we’re inviting parties (and if a party is unavailable, one of its amici) to do a podcast on their argument. The feature is intended to address the fact that the tapes of oral argument are only rarely available before the end of the Term. We’ll post the podcasts on the day of argument, after it commences.

The first podcast comes in today’s Free Enterprise Fund [link] case. For the petitioners, one of their counsel: Christian Vergonis, Jones Day LLP. For the respondents, one of their amici: Professor Richard Pildes, New York University Law School (counsel for the amicus Former Chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission).

Please give us your feedback by emailing us at ….