Today’s Coverage of the Detainee Cases
on Dec 5, 2007 at 9:42 am
As Ben notes below, the Court is scheduled to hear argument beginning at 10 a.m. eastern in the consolidated cases of Boumediene v. Bush (06-1195) and Al Odah v. United States (06-1196), the so-called “detainee cases” that have been eagerly anticipated since the Court’s surprising grant order last June. Here is our plan for covering the argument:
* At 11:15 a.m. eastern, the Court will begin releasing the audio from today’s oral argument. It will be broadcast “live to tape” on C-SPAN3 beginning then; you can “watch” or listen to C-SPAN3 online at this link. Based on past experience, the audio will likely be made available as an on-demand audio stream at C-SPAN’s website later this afternoon. The transcript will be available, as usual, at some point this afternoon.
* Immediately following the conclusion of oral argument, also at approximately 11:15, Lyle Denniston will begin his dispatch from the Court. That post will be updated frequently as Lyle adds to it.
* As soon as any wire stories or other blog posts appear, we will link to them in a Round-Up post that will also be updated throughout the day.
As is evident from the above, there will be no media coverage during oral argument itself (unlike several posts we had at the end of last Term during the reading of opinions, a LiveBlog is not possible during oral argument). After 11:00, however, we hope to post as much information as possible as quickly as we can.