Petitioners’ Briefs Filed in Detainee Cases
on Aug 24, 2007 at 6:51 pm
Lawyers for detainees at Guantanamo Bay filed merits briefs today in Boumediene v. Bush (06-1195) and Al Odah v. United States (06-1196).
The brief in Boumediene is here, and click here and here to read the petitioners’ briefs in Al Odah. The Justice Department’s briefs in both cases are due October 9.
One amicus brief filed today in support of the petitioners came from Salim Hamdan, available here. The Court has yet to take action on his two pending appeals, 06-1169 (rehearing petition) and 07-15 (cert before judgment).
At least 20 other amicus briefs were filed in support of the petitioners, with still another filed in support of reversal. They are listed and linked after the jump. See Marty’s post below for his inital reaction to one of the amicus filings.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations
Commonwealth Lawyers Association
Federal Courts and International Law Professors
Federal Public Defender for the Southern District of Florida
Former United States Diplomats
International Humanitarian Law Experts
National Institute of Military Justice
Professors of Constitutional Law and Federal Jurisdiction
Specialists in Israeli Military Law and Constitutional Law
United States Senator Arlen Specter
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
383 United Kingdom and European Parliamentarians
Canadian Parliamentarians and Professors of Law (in support of reversal)