This Week on the Blog

on Jul 29, 2007 at 8:32 pm
Tomorrow the Court is expected to issue its first orders of the summer. Among the matters that may be included are actions on rehearing petitions, perhaps including those in Hamdan v. Gates (No. 06-1169), a war crimes commission case, and Rita v. U.S. (No. 06-5754), a Sentencing Guidelines case. We’ll provide coverage and a link to the orders list as soon as it becomes available.
It may also be a busy week for detainee-related litigation in other courts: further developments are expected in the D.C. Circuit Court on review of military orders to continue detention of captives at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, especially in Paracha v. Gates (06-1038) and Bismullah v. Gates (06-1197), as well as in the U.S. Court of Military Commission Review in the war crimes case of Khadr v. Gates (CMCR docket 07-1). It’s also possible that the Fourth Circuit may act on the federal government’s request for rehearing en banc in the case of Al-Marri v. Wright (Circuit docket 06-7427), a case involving a foreign national captured inside the U.S. and detained as an “enemy combatant.”
Finally, merits briefs will come in in three of next Term’s cases: No. 06-1287, CSX Transportation v. Georgia State Board of Equalization (petitioner’s brief due 7/30); No. 06-6911, Logan v. US (respondent’s brief due 7/30); and No. 06-1164, John R. Sand & Gravel Co. v. US (petitioner’s brief due 8/3),