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NPR’s Nina Totenberg had this story yesterday on “All Things Considered” discussing the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of parents attempting to ensure their children’s special education needs are met; in today’s New York Times, Linda Greenhouse reports here on the Court’s Winkelman opinion, allowing families of students with disabilities the right to go to court on their own; Robert Barnes has this article in the Washington Post; McClatchy’s Michael Doyle reports here; David G. Savage has this article on the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act case in the LA Times; and Tony Mauro reports here for the Legal Times.

Also in the Legal Times, Mauro has this article on the Court’s 7-2 decision in Bell Atlantic v. Twombly, making it more difficult for private plaintiffs to file antitrust claims against large companies; Professor Scott Dodson weighs in here at Civil Procedure Prof Blog; at Volokh Conspiracy, Einer Elhauge has these thoughts; Patti Waldmeir of the Financial Times has this story; in the Wall Street Journal, Jess Bravin reports here (subscription req’d); and Peter Lattman has this post at the Law Blog.

Greenhouse also has this article in the NY Times about the Supreme Court’s decision to hear Department of Revenue of Kentucky v. Davis, “a case with the potential to rattle, if not reshape, the market for state and municipal bonds”; in today’s Wall Street Journal, Tom Herman reports here (subscription req’d); Andrew Ackerman and Peter Schroder have this article in The Bond Buyer; and in an uncanny display of timeliness, Brian Galle and Ethan Yale recently posted this draft on SSRN entitled “Municipal Bonds and the Dormant Commerce Clause After United Haulers.”

In today’s Washington Post, Barnes reports here on the decision in Office of Senator Dayton v. Hanson, which found the Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction to decide the case. Savage reports here in the LA Times on the Court’s summary dismissal of Los Angeles County vs. Rettele; Mark Sherman has this article for the Associated Press.

At Volokh Conspiracy, David Kopel has this post highlighting a forthcoming article (available here at SSRN) in the NYU Journal of Law & Liberty by Brian L. Frye that offers new insight on U.S. v. Miller, the Supreme Court’s last major gun control case; and Orin Kerr weighs in here on the discussion of the Court and the 2008 Election.

Lastly, Robin Toner has this article in today’s New York Times discussing the validation that the Court’s “partial birth” abortion opinion provides to anti-abortion leaders’ argument that abortion hurts women. Here, at Balkinization, Jack Balkin discusses Roe v. Wade and its power to rally the Republican coalition.