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Brian Charlton of the Associated Press reports here on the Kamehameha settlement; in today’s New York Times, Adam Liptak has this article on the civil rights lawsuit, which the justices had considered at several Conferences; Alexandre DaSilva reports here in the Honolulu Star Bulletin.

At the BLT, Tony Mauro has this post on Rev. Jerry Falwell’s “substantial, if unintended contribution to First Amendment jurisprudence” and this post about the anniversary of the In re Gault decision. Also at the BLT, Emma Schwartz reports here on the latest in the dispute between detainees’ lawyers and Guantanamo Bay officials.

Today, Mark H. Anderson of the Wall Street Journal has this article (subscription req’d) on the Court’s orders and its opinion in Schriro v. Landrigan yesterday. Yesterday, Anderson had this article (subscription req’d) in the Wall Street Journal about the Court’s rejection of appeals from Amgen Inc. and Neutraceutical Corp. At the Health Blog, Jacob Goldstein reports here on the Court’s refusal to hear Amgen’s appeal of a patent case ruling.

Yesterday, the Orange County Register had this editorial on the Court’s pending opinion in Davenport v. WEA; the AP’s David Ammons reports here on the new legislation allowing labor unions to spend nonmembers’ funds for political purposes without obtaining their permission; and the Evergreen Freedom Foundation has this press release discussing the bill that amends the statute under review by the Supreme Court, which Washington Governor Gregoire signed into law last Friday.

The AP has this article on the Bush Administration’s plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the High Court’s April ruling in Mass. v. EPA; Maura Reynolds and Richard Simon of the LA Times report here.

At Talking Justice, University of Alabama Law Professor Bryan Fair has this commentary on last month’s decision upholding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. Yesterday, Suffolk Law Professor Jessica Silbey had this editorial on the use of videotape in the Scott v. Harris decision in the Baltimore Sun.

Lastly, ABC News Correspondent Jan Crawford Greenburg has this post at Legalities discussing “a Court in struggle—not for the vote of one justice, but for an intellectual mooring.”