on Mar 9, 2007 at 4:26 pm
In the Legal Times, Tony Mauro reports here on the Court’s budget hearing yesterday, which covered a range of topics from the hiring of minority law clerks to cameras in the Court.
At the BLT, Mauro has this post on the D.C. Circuit Court’s decision to strike down D.C.’s gun control law in Parker v. District of Columbia, a case that could come before the Supreme Court next year. In the Washington Post, Bill Miller and Robert Barnes have this article; Cary O’Reilly of Bloomberg News reports here; and the ACS Blog has this post on the District Court’s ruling in this case.
The Student Press Law Center has this article on the large number of amicus briefs filed in the Morse v. Frederick, the case of an Alaska high school student challenging his suspension for holding up a “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” sign (via Crime & Consequences).
Stephanie Ward has this story in the ABA Journal eReport on the Supreme Court clerks’ influence on the docket, which highlights the research of the SCOTUSblog’s newest contributor, David Stras.
At Sentencing Law and Policy, Doug Berman has this discussion of the aftermath of the Court’s decision in Samson. At Balkinization, Mark Graber has this post on Keith Whittington’s latest book, Political Foundations of Judicial Supremacy: The Presidency, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U.S. History.
Finally, AP writer Mark Sherman has this article on Justice Kennedy’s appearance in “The Supreme Court Hears the Trial of Hamlet,” an unscripted performance taking place on March 15 at the Kennedy Center as part of the Washington D.C.’s six-month Shakespeare festival.