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In addition to today’s Cunningham-related stories (see here), Howard Bashman of How Appealing links to this review, by David Garrow, of Jeff Rosen’s new book, The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries that Defined America.

Howard also provided this link to a WSJ op-ed by Jan Crawford Greenburg about the influence of Justice Thomas. Her new book, Supreme Conflict, will be available beginning tomorrow.

At Balkinization, Jack Balkin has this piece commenting on Roe v. Wade on the decision’s 34th anniversary.

After Friday afternoon’s grants, Rick Hasen linked to this post of his on the Election Law Blog explaining why the Court’s decision to hear the WRTL campaign finance case is potentially so significant. He also linked to news coverage of the case here.

Finally, Kenneth Jost’s column this week in CQ Weekly is about Morse v. Frederick, the upcoming student speech case at the Supreme Court; his article can be read here.