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Kent Scheidegger at Crime & Consequences weighs in on the Belmontes decision here. Doug Berman also shares his thoughts on the case here at Sentencing Law and Policy.

At How Appealing, Howard Bashman has collected some media reports on the decision here.

At the Volokh Conspiracy, both Orin Kerr and Ilya Somin discuss federalism, the Commerce Clause, and the federal partial-birth abortion ban here and here.

The Oyez Project has recently posted the audio of oral argument in last week’s abortion cases, including as downloadable podcasts in mp3 format. The complete audio from October Term 2005 is now also available. The Oyez Project can be found here.

Goodwin Liu of the University of California, Berkeley, has written an essay on the Seattle and Louisville voluntary K-12 school integration cases to be argued on 12/4. It is forthcoming in the California Law Review, but is now available here.

An interview with Chief Justice Roberts that aired on “Nightline” last night can now be seen here at Some of the Chief’s remarks on the campus of the University of Miami yesterday are summarized here by Dan Markel at PrawfsBlawg.