on Oct 19, 2006 at 4:43 pm
Ethan Lieb at Prawfsblawg has a post here highlighting the continuing legal saga of Coke v. Long Island Care at Home; he believes the Second Circuit continues to thumb its nose at the Supreme Court with this recent opinion.
John Yoo has a much-discussed op-ed in today’s WSJ here about the relationship between Congress and the Supreme Court post-Hamdan. Marty Lederman reacts here at Balkinization.
Concurring Opinions has a poll asking for people’s opinions on which upcoming Supreme Court case will be most significant; vote here.
Teacher Tracey Bailey has this op-ed piece at Human Events Online about the upcoming union fees cases (Wash. v. WEA) stemming from the Washington Supreme Court (thanks to Mike Reitz for the link).
Finally, if you did not catch the debate between Justice Scalia and ACLU President Nadine Strossen that aired on CSPAN over the weekend, a stream of it is available here via CSPAN’s web site (RealPlayer req’d).