Blog Round-Up – Thursday, March 30th
on Mar 30, 2006 at 11:40 am
Here is Sentencing Law & Policy on oral arguments in Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon and Bustillo v. Johnson. The cases concern the enforceability of the Vienna Convention’s promise of consular access for foreign defendants. Here is Opinio Juris on the cases.
Here is Balkinization on the Hamdan oral argument.
ACSBlog has this post on Justice Scalia’s decision to hear the Hamdan case.
Here Northwestern Law Professor and former U.S. Ambassador-At-Large for War Crimes David Scheffer has an article on the status of conspiracy as a war crime. It is titled, “Why Hamdan is Right about Conspiracy Liability.”
Here Orin Kerr posts the dialogue from a key moment in the Hamdan argument. He also has this post titled, “Aaron Burr and Antonin Scalia, Acting Chief Justice.”
Here the Wall Street Journal Law Blog has a post on yesterday’s Supreme Court oral argument in Ebay v. MercExchange.