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Blogs, News and Other Commentary – Tuesday, October 4th

FindLaw has compiled this list of former Justices without prior judicial experience.

The Christian Broadcasting Network has posted this article titled, “A History of Conservative Picks Gone Wrong.”

The Wall Street Journal has made available – at no cost – this article on how bloggers are debating the Miers nomination. Randy Barnett also has this op-ed in the on Miers and Cronyism.

The American Prospect has this article by David Garrow titled “She’s No Roberts” and this article by Mike Dorf observing that although there are plenty of women qualified to serve on the Supreme Court, its not clear that Miers is one of them.

Rick Hasen of Election Law Blog has this post on understanding the puzzling Miers choice.

ACSBlog has this post on Miers and abortion rights.

Orin Kerr of the Volokh Conspiracy has been tracking down Miers’ paper trail. Details here.

Finally, the Legal Times has this article on Chief Justice Roberts’ first day of oral arguments.


The Sacramento Bee has this article on how success has varied among non-judges who’ve been chosen for Supreme Court.