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Blog Round-up – Thursday, June 2nd

Cutter v. Wilkinson has caused a flurry of activity in the blogosphere. Here is Rick Garnett’s take on the case. ACSblog guest blogger Lauren Saunders, Directing Attorney of the Herbert Semmel Federal Rights Project, writes about the decision here. Ann Althouse has a post on the case and the Pew Forum published its take here. Marci Hamilton offers a long column on the case on Findlaw.

is Bill Patry on whether or not it makes sense for a Supreme Court opinion-writer to stand his or her ground, even if it means losing a majority.

The Voluntary Trade Council has this post about Shell Oil Company v. Fouads N. Daghe.

Here are Professor Bainbridge’s thoughts on Judge Posner as a compromise nominee to the Supreme Court.

Finally, the Volokh Conspiracy is asking, “Where are they now?”
What ever happened to Cohen of Cohen v. California or O’Brien of United States v. O’Brien and other figures in constitutional law cases?