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DC Guns: Early Morning Round-Up

Some of today’s major editorial pages feature commentary on today’s case. Randy Barnett has this op-ed in the WSJ called “Gun-Rights Showdown,” and the Cato Institutes’ Robert Levy has this piece in the Boston Globe called “Fighting For Our Right To Bear Arms.” The editorial boards of both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times make their views of the case known; the NYT supports upholding DC’s gun ban and the LAT largely sides with the view espoused by the Solicitor General to remand the case for further consideration.

Today’s Washington Post has coverage of the case from many different angles. This profile of Walter Dellinger (arguing for DC) is called “An Old Hand At Court Gears Up for Battle,” while a companion profile of Mr. Heller’s attorney Alan Gura is called “For Young Area Lawyer, The Supreme Compliment.” This Post article discusses the long line for tickets outside the Court, and this article asks “Which Arguments Will Hit The Mark?”

Howard Bashman of the How Appealing Blog also links to several other DC Guns-related stories in this post. Marty Lederman has this post on Slate’s new Convictions blog.